Friday, August 23, 2013

Naaman and the leprosy

In 2 Kings 5: 1-27, Naaman, a great army commander who suffers from leprosy, goes to the prophet Elisha for healing.  Elisha tells him to go to the Jordan River and dunk himself seven times.  It sounds ridiculous, and maybe that was the point, but Naaman went away mad.  At first, he didn't do as Elisha told him, but once he did he was healed.  

How many times has God asked us to do something that seems strange and we ignore the request? How many times do we miss out on the healing or the blessing because of our decision to ignore God's request? 

 The Bible says,  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8 NIV)

I never thought I could run a marathon a few years ago.  However, God sent an encourager into my life, (my husband, Jeff) that told me while training for 5K's that I would be running a marathon within a year.  I thought he was crazy.  However, my heart was created by God to serve the weary and broken spirits on this Earth.  St. Jude Children's Research Hospital became one of those service projects and through the help of many Phi Theta Kappa friends and resources, Jeff and I made this an annual service project.  My desire to run longer miles in honor of those children being treated at St. Jude became more prevalent in my life.  

By May of 2012, I ran my first half-marathon for the tornado victims in Joplin.  In June of 2012, I hit a personal record at the Hospital Hill Half-Marathon.  Then, in Sept. of 2012, I completed my first triathlon at the Olathe Medical Center Women's Triathlon. I ended the 2012 year by running the St. Jude Memphis Marathon my husband told me I could run, with him by my side.  I never felt so emotional like I did during that race.  The inspiration you feel from all the patients and their families are tremendous.  

This year, we won't be able to make the race date, but still running our marathon in honor of St. Jude. We are both committed to raising $500 a piece for the hospital and hoping when we run in Ft. Scott on Nov. 23rd, we have groups who will come out in honor of St. Jude and their life saving mission to cure pediatric terminal diseases.  

If you feel lead to donate, go to our fundraising links and the donation will go directly to St. Jude!

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