Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday February 18, 2013

In my daily devotion by Rick Warren it says,
"Although God could instantly transform us, he has chosen to develop us slowly.
Why does it take so long to change and grow up? There are several reasons --
We are slow learners. We often have to relearn a lesson forty or fifty times to really get it...Growth is often painful and scary. There is no growth without change; there is no change without fear or loss; and there is no loss without pain. We fear these losses, even if our old ways were self-defeating, because, like a worn out pair of shoes, they were at least comfortable and familiar.
Every change involves a loss of some kind: You must let go of old ways in order to experience the new."

Deuteronomy 7:22 "The Lord your God will drive out those nations before you, little by little. You will not be allowed to eliminate them all at once, or the wild animals will multiply around you." 

 I'm guilty, especially recently, in rushing God's plans for me.  Things have gotten difficult all around me in the things I do.  My running has slowed down, my direction with my job has changed, and my school work is much different than before.  I miss teaching photography this semester, however, I believe God is using this time to mold me or prepare me for the things ahead.  My devotions have been telling me the same thing over and over the last few days but I still found my self overwhelmed with stress.  Today, I want to lay my burdens upon him and watch how things will slower be formed in myself to prepare me for the next career, mission, or project He has planned for me.  

Dear Lord,
Thank you for reminding me again today, you are helping me grow into the mission worker you have created in me.  Please forgive me for getting anxious and reacting unChristian like.  Help me form into the employee, student, wife, mother, photojournalist, and triathlete you have planned for me to be.  Keep my family in your safe hands and provide healing to my aunt who suffers from breast cancer.  Help our lost love ones find a Christian friends who will lead them in a closer walk with you.  Keep your hand on our middle school Sunday-School and Ignite Missions kids.  Help them strive to be more like you and provide them peace this week as they go through their school week.  I ask these things in Jesus name, Amen.


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